Bid Postings

The City of Lucas advertises all invitations to Bid, Request for Proposals (RFP) and Request for Qualifications (RFQ) in the Allen American at least once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks and in this website.

Receipt of all sealed bids and proposals will be administered by the City Secretary or designee. The City Secretary or designee will be responsible for the bid opening and reading all the bids received. All bids will be reviewed and a bid tabulation will be created and placed on the City’s website. Once a bid has been selected, the contractor is notified and the item is placed on the next City Council agenda to be awarded.



Bid Details

Learn about current bid and contract opportunities available to consultants, service providers, contractors, vendors, or suppliers.

The following is a listing of various bid postings. Click on any of the titles for the details on that particular bid.

Title Bid Number Bid Date Closing Document(s) Awarded To
Lucas Fire Rescue Design & Build Accessory Building #033-25 02/26/2025 Bid Opening Reject Bid RFP #033-25
Lucas Fire Rescue Design & Build Accessory Building
#033-25 02/26/2025 Bid Package
TxCDBG Grant Application #032-24 Application Preparation and Grant Contract Implementation Services
Public Works Building Renovations #031-24 02/12/2024 RFP Form


Bid Sheet Opening

Jones Brothers Construction
W. Lucas Road Elevated Storage Tank #029-23 10/03/2023 Notice to Bidders


Bid Sheet Opening

Landmark Structures I, LP
Request for Proposals for South Orchard Road Channel and Culvert Improvements
#028-23 01/24/2023 RFP Form


Bid Set Plans


Addendum 1


Bid Sheet Opening

J&L Construction, LLC
Request for Proposals for Rimrock Detention Pond Improvements
#027-23 01/24/2023 RFP Form


Bid Set Plans


Addendum 1


Bid Sheet Opening

G-ROD Construction, LLC
Request for Proposals for Bait Shop Waterline Relocation
#027-22 01/26/2023 RFP Form


Bid Set Plans


Addendum 1


Reissued Sheet 4


Bid Sheet Opening

J&L Construction, LLC
Request for Proposals for City of Lucas Building Renovations #026-22 06/22/2022 City of Lucas Renovations
Jones Brothers Construction

Request for Proposals for Solid Waste and Recycling Services 

#025-22 2/28/2022 RFP for Solid Waste and Recycling Services

Request for Qualifications for Bank Depository Services 

#024-22 11/29/2021 RFP for Bank Depository Services American National Bank

Request for Qualifications for the W. Lucas Road Design

#023-20 8/7/2020 RFP for W. Lucas Road

SOQ #023-20 Scoring

Lakes Engineering was selected by Review Committee.

Signs and Sign Install/Removal

#022-20 June 30, 2020 for the first posting Bid #022-20

Professional Auditing Services

#021-20 Friday, May 8, 2020 Request for Qualification Audit 2020

Beautification Services and Fine Mowing 

#020-20 Friday, January 31, 2020 at 3pm  Specifications Mow-Time
Miscellaneous Grading, Excavation, and Finish Work 014-18a No Date Bid Notice 014-18a


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