Utility Billing
665 Country Club Road
Lucas, Texas 75002-7651
Welcome to the City of Lucas!
The information below will assist you with establishing your water, trash, and curbside recycling services. City offices are open Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., excluding holidays.
Water and Trash Service
All new water and trash customers must complete a City of Lucas Water, Trash, and Recycling Service Application and Agreement prior to the City setting up service. A driver’s license and deposit are required at the time of application. No service will be established until the required deposit and application is submitted. Requests for new service are accepted during normal business hours, excluding City holidays. Please allow 24-48 hours for service to be completed. New residential customers must pay a deposit of $100 (in-city) or $125 (out-of-city). This deposit will be applied to the final bill upon closing the account. Weekly trash and recycling collection is provided by Community Waste Disposal. Residents are billed for water and trash collection services in a combined monthly statement. Residents should receive their monthly statement by the end of the month, and payment is due on the 10th day of the following month. Please note that a $25 late fee will be assessed if payment is received after 5:00 p.m. on the due date.
What are the different ways I can pay my utility bill?
- U.S. Mail - Send check or money order to: City of Lucas, 665 Country Club, Lucas, TX 75002-7651.
- Hand-Deliver - Bring your payment to our office Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at City Hall, 665 Country Club Lucas, Texas. 75002-7651. Payments can also be dropped 24/7 in the drive-through drop-off box located in the City Hall parking lot (below the flags). Your payment will be processed the next business day.
- Automatic Bank Draft - You can choose to pay your account automatically each month by completing an Automatic Bank Draft Form and returning it to City Hall.
- Credit Card - These are accepted by phone or in person. A 3% processing fee will be added when paying with a credit card. Cards accepted are MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express.
- Utility Online Bill Pay – You can make payments through the online water bill pay system using debit/credit cards. A 3% processing fee will be added to each transaction. Simply go to: https://www.municipalonlinepayments.com/lucastx/
Account Information and Public Records Requests
The state of Texas prohibits the release of any utility account information without a customer’s specific written permission. Effective June 18, 2021, City utility customers who wish “opt in” for release of other account information such as water consumption, late payments or water cutoff history must complete an online form.
For those who wish to keep their account information private, no action is required. All accounts have been marked as private as of June 2021. Information which cannot be identified with names or addresses can still be released.
For questions regarding your:
Water Service | Misti Taylor City of Lucas Utility Billing Coordinator |
Direct: (972) 912-1205
Email: [email protected] |
Trash and Recycling Service | Community Waste Disposal | (972) 392-9300/Option 2 |