Minor Volunteer Form (2025 KLB Spring Cleanup)

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    For good and valuable consideration, including participation of the “Minor Participant” in the Keep Lucas Beautiful Spring Cleanup, scheduled for April 6, 2024 (the “Event”), the undersigned parent or legal guardian for and on behalf of themselves and the Minor Participant, their heirs, representatives and assigns (collectively referred to as the “Undersigned Parent or Legal Guardian”) does hereby release, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Lucas, Texas, its officers, agents, employees, contractors, third party representatives and invitees (collectively referred to as “Lucas”) from any and all claims, damages, causes of action of any kind whatsoever, statutory or otherwise, for personal injury, including death, property damage and lawsuits and judgments, including court costs, expenses and attorneys’ fees, and all other expenses that the Minor Participant has, or might have, known or unknown, now existing or that might arise hereafter, directly or indirectly from his or her participation in the Event, and from any direction or instruction by Lucas personnel during the Event, and from any acts or omissions by any third parties. I understand and acknowledge that participation in the Event shall include physical activity. By agreeing below, I affirm that the Minor Participant is in physical condition to participate in this physical activity. The Minor Participant understands that participation in the Event, shall be under the direction and control of Lucas personnel, and agrees to strictly comply with all Lucas rules, directives and regulations, written or otherwise, including any personal direction from Lucas personnel any time during the Event. The Undersigned Parent or Legal Guardian of the Minor Participant acknowledges that he or she has read and understands the guidelines for the Event and agrees that Minor Participant shall abide by them. I further agree that photographs or pictures taken of the Minor Participant during the Event may be used by Lucas for promotional purposes in an activity guide, brochures, flyers, news releases or Lucas’s website.
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