West Lucas Road Elevated Storage Tank (Water Tower)

Managing Agency

City of Lucas

The City of Lucas maintains its municipal water system by investing in infrastructure and ensuring quality control of its distribution. The City conducts rigorous testing to ensure the delivery of safe drinking water to its water customers.

Contact Information

City of Lucas      Joe Hilbourn                      972-912-1207         [email protected]

City of Lucas      Jeremy Bogle                     972-912-1210         [email protected]

City of Lucas      Patrick Hubbard              972-912-1209         [email protected]

Background Information

The City of Lucas uses its Water Modeling and Water Master Plan (updated and adopted in March 2023) to make decisions on the water distribution system. Water system designs are based on three conditions - ultimate supply from the North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD), maximum hourly demand rate, and the minimum hourly demand rate. These three factors help determine water refill rates and what capacity the water system must maintain in order to properly distribute to our water customers. While the City currently operates two elevated tanks, current demand and usage are putting the system at risk of not meeting minimum thresholds for refilling during non-peak hours. As the City begins to grow and eventually reach build-out, staff must make strategic capital decisions in order to meet this increasing demand for water.

City staff recommended to City Council that the construction of a large elevated storage tank (water tower) is necessary to meet future growth. In 2023, City staff explored using American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) funds among other resources to fund the project, as the supply of water to citizens is of upmost concern as demand continues to rise. Given this rise and the time constraints on ARPA funding, City staff and City Council moved forward with design and construction in order to have the project completed while only missing one summer high-use season without the additional supply from the new tower.

Project Schedule

  • Foundation Pour - December 2023
  • Sitework, Pedestal Strip Out and Grading - January 2024
  • Top Out and Gas Line Installation - June 2024
  • Exterior Electrical & Paint in Air - July 2024
  • Interior Electrical and Finish Out - August 2024
  • Concrete Paving and Installation of Yard Pipe - October 2024
  • Commission and Fence and Gate Install - November 2024
  • Site Restoration - January 2025
  • Control Valve installation at Winningkoff Road - February 2025
  • Punch List - April 2025
  • Estimated Final Completion - June 2025

Project Area

Project Updates

June 2024

  • Landmark Construction hoisted the 750,000 gallon tank to the top of the tower base. Video

December 2023

  • Landmark Construction delivered and poured 190 tons of concrete to create the foundation of the West Lucas Road Elevated Storage Tank.

October 2023

  • On October 19, 2023, the City of Lucas City Council approved total funding of $5,027,616 for the design, construction and contingency of the West Lucas Road Elevated Storage Tank using earmarked funding sources from the American Recovery Plan Act, 2019 Certificates of Obligation (Water Fund), Restricted Water Fund Reserves.
  • Details and recording of this meeting can be found here: Video

April 2023

  • City Council approved moving forward with the construction of a new water tower and for the City Manager to enter into an agreement with JTG Engineering to begin designing the water tower.
  • Details and recording of this meeting can be found here: Video

Project Funding

  • Cost of construction = $4,570,560 (Appropriations to account number 21-8210-490-125 using American Recovery Plan Act, 2019 Certificates of Obligation (Water Fund), Restricted Water Fund reserves, and remaining funds from account 21-8210-490-125.
  • 10% contingency for unforeseen project expenses = $457,056.

Project Resources

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